Mocca’s Mail – Melbourne Cup

The world’s greatest greyhound race is this Saturday night at Sandown… And Mocca’s mail is here for all the analysis.

BIG ENERGY  is hot favourite to win the 68th running of the Group 1  Melbourne Cup Final over 515m, with over a million in prize money at stake.

BIG ENERGY  is hot favourite for The Melbourne Cup.

Regarded as the “Holy Grail” of Australian Greyhound racing, The Melbourne Cup headlines another great night for the Dream Chasers Festival.

The Phoenix at The Meadows on Saturday December 16 wraps up the $4.1 million festival.

Check out Mocca’s Best Bet of the night here:  FLYING PIE

And Mocca’s Full early set here:

MMM Sandown 02.12.23 early set

Set a deposit limit, 18+




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