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MOCCA’S MINT MAIL – Sandown May 16

MOCCA’S MINT MAIL has dropped for another week punters. Join your host Casey and form analysis Mocca for Greyhound racings best form, analysis, news and much more. The new subscription page is below and we are not far away from releasing the BIG ENERGY mini documentary. Listen here: Subscribe to Mocca’s Mail: MOCCA’S MINT MAIL… Continue reading MOCCA’S MINT MAIL – Sandown May 16


 The Weekend Wrap GROUP 1 RACING: Morphettville Race 8 – Goodwood Tempo: Strong tempo. Particularly high pressure in the middle stages. Race Overview: Race was run at a good tempo but there wasn’t great margins. The Sangster Form really held up with the first 4 home coming out of that race. Benedetta ($6) – Solid… Continue reading THE WEEKEND WRAP

THE FORECAST: Boolywood Hangovers

Someone once told me that if you just keep drinking, you’ll never get a hangover. While that advice can be applied to seemingly never-ending day-night sessions like Warrnambool’s May Carnival, there is no feasible or medically advisable situation that it can be sensibly applied to outside of that context. Eventually, every party must come to… Continue reading THE FORECAST: Boolywood Hangovers